
This strategic partnership between the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and the Met Office combines hydrological and meteorological information for the first time, so that both organisations can share their expertise to improve the accuracy of flood forecasts for the whole of Scotland.

The service ensures that we provide consistent messages to organisations that deal with floods as they plan their response to flood threats; our forecast activities are more tightly integrated at an operational level; we provide a more streamlined set of forecast products

What it offers

The service offers countrywide flood forecasts on a longer lead time targeted for emergency services, local authorities and other organisations with flooding management duties. The service also directly helps those using SEPA’s Floodline service, by providing more specific information which allows SEPA to issue more timely flood warnings, giving people a better chance of reducing the impact of flooding on their home or business.

A Flood Guidance Statement is sent each day to Category 1 and 2 responders. This provides them with an assessment of the risk of flooding for the next five days from rivers, coastal and tidal areas and also surface water.

For more information and to sign up to receive the Flood Guidance Statement please visit SEPA’s website

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